Debunking Misconceptions on Roof Replacements


Roof replacements from time to time are necessary in order to give you the protection you need from any natural elements. This is the reason why roof replacement in Simi Valley is popular. There are many factors which come into consideration when you need a roof replacement. But some people believe in a certain misconception now and then which keeps their roof from getting replaced. This can cause a big problem in the future. Hence this blog will state some misconceptions many hold when it comes to replacing your roof.

Dark Shingles Causes High Energy Consumption

This is a baseless fact many believe in. It has been proven that anything with a dark color absorbs a lot of heat. This will not get you a large bill every month. Insulations will always be there to keep the cold air of your air conditioner inside. So you will not spend a lot on your utility bills.

You can install New Shingles over Old Ones

Old shingles are corroded and create quite a big trouble for your roof. They will leak water into your room and make a mess. Adding new shingles over the old one may feel like you are keeping a double layer of protection. But it will be a problem as the roof structure is not strong enough to hold the weight of two shingles in one square foot of an area. Professionals of roof replacement in Simi Valley say this will make the entire roof come crashing down.

Roof Replacement is Expensive

Roof replacement is not always expensive; it depends on how much damage the roof has sustained. When you conduct timely inspections, potential damage points will come up. When they are repaired in time the damage will not be too great. Hence your roof replacement will not be as expensive as you think.

We hope by reading this blog your misconceptions are washed away. Consult a professional of roof replacement to know more.


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